We organize the EFI meetings bi-annually. You can find the programmes of our past editions here.
12th Workshop - November 29, 2024
8h30 Registration/Security (and coffee)
9h00 Welcome
9h10 Women are Left Behind: Social Norms, Math Skills and Mortgage Outcomes
Athena Tsouderou (University of Miami), with Selale Tüzel
Discussant: Marieke Bos (Stockholm School of Economics, CEPR, VU)
coffee break
10h40 Inflation and Floating-rate Loans: Evidence from the Euro-area
Glenn Schepens (European Central Bank), with F. Core, F. De Marco and T. Eisert
Discussant: Ferre De Graeve (KU Leuven)
coffee break
12h10 How Does Fiscal Debt affect the Transmission of Monetary Policy into Cross-border Bank Lending?
Elod Takáts (Bank for International Settlements), with S. Pradhan and J. Temesvari
Discussant: Pascal Towbin (Swiss National Bank)
13h10 Lunch
14h30 INVITED TALK: Securities Losses, Interbank Markets, and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from the Eurozone
Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics, CEPR, ECGI)
coffee break
16h00 Information Salience and Credit Supply: Evidence from Payment Defaults on Trade Bills
Mattia Girotti (Paris Dauphine, PSL, CNRS, DRM), with A. Baros, E. Croci and F. Salvadè
Discussant: Geraldo Cerqueiro (Católica Lisbon)
17h00 post workshop drinks & bites
11th Workshop - April 26, 2024
8h30 Registration/Security (and coffee)
9h00 Welcome
9h10 What Do Lead Banks Learn from Leveraged Loan Investors?
Max Bruche (Humboldt University of Berlin), with R. Meisenzahl and D. Xiaoyu Xu
Discussant: Tim Eisert (Nova School of Business and Economics, CEPR)
coffee break
10h40 Bank Financing of Global Supply Chains
Andrea Presbitero (IMF, CEPR), with L. Alfaro, M. Brussevich and C. Minoiu
Discussant: Evren Ors (HEC Paris)
coffee break
12h10 Size-Based Regulation and Bank Fragility: Evidence from the Wells Fargo Asset Cap
Tianyue Ruan (National University Singapore), with S. Vij
Discussant: Diane Pierret (University of Luxembourg, CEPR)
13h10 Lunch
14h30 INVITED TALK: When Broadbank Comes to Banks: Credit Supply, Market Structure, and Information Acquisition
Enrico Sette (Banca d’Italia, CEPR), with A. D’Andrea and M. Pelosi
coffee break
16h00 Banking Without Branches
Niklas Amberg (Sveriges Riksbank), with B. Becker
Discussant: Christophe Spaenjers (Leeds School of Business, CU Boulder)
17h00 post workshop drinks & bites
10th Workshop - November 17, 2023
9h00 welcome coffee
9h30 Unintended Consequences of QE: Real Estate Prices and Financial Stability
Sebastian Schreiber (Goethe University), with T. Berg, R. Haselmann, and T. Kick
Discussant: François Koulischer (University of Luxembourg)
10h30 coffee break
10h50 Climate Stress Tests, Bank Lending, and the Transition to the Carbon-Neutral Economy
Klaus Schaeck (Bristol), with L. Fuchs, H. Nguyen, and T. Nguyen
Discussant: Giorgia Barboni (Warwick)
11h50 coffee break
12h10 Borrowing Beyond Bounds: Credit Conditions for Large Bank Clients
Felix Corell (VU Amsterdam), with M. Papoutsi
Discussant: Jan Keil (HU Berlin)
13h10 Lunch
14h30 INVITED TALK SMEs Exposure to Inflation Risk
Neeltje Van Horen (Bank of England & University of Amsterdam), with V. Ioannidou, S. Karmakar and E. Markoska
15h30 coffee break
15h50 Does Monetary Policy Shape the Path to Carbon Neutrality
Robin Döttling (Erasmus University Rotterdam), with A. Lam
Discussant: Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier (Banque de France & SciencesPo)
17h00 post workshop drinks
9th Workshop - April 28, 2023 (Post-COVID Relaunch)
9h00 welcome coffee
9h30 Lending to Women in Times of Conflict
Mrinal Mishra (U Zürich)
Discussant: Orkun Saka (City, University of London)
10h30 coffee break
10h50 Distributional Income Effects of Banking Regulation in Europe
Melina Ludolph (IWH Halle), with L. Brausewetter, F. Bremus, and L. Tonzer
Discussant: Arzu Uluc (Bank of England)
11h50 coffee break
12h10 Shock Absorbers and Transmitters: The Dual Facets of Bank Specialization
Sotirios Kokas (Essex), with R. Iyer, A. Michaelides, & J.-L. Peydro
Discussant: Matthias Efing (HEC)
13h10 Lunch
14h30 INVITED TALK What explains changes to the LBO debt market post financial crisis?
Sascha Steffen (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management), with R. Fahlenbrach & S. Rotermund
15h30 coffee break
15h50 Can Open Banking Substitute Credit Bureaus?
Kumar Rishabh (HEC Lausanne)
Discussant: Artashes Karapetyan (ESSEC)
17h00 post-workshop beers
8th Workshop - November 8, 2019
9.30h welcome coffee
9.50h Gender Discrimination in Small Business Lending. Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Turkey
Ralph De Haas (EBRD, CEPR, Tilburg University), with M. Brock
Discussant: François Derrien (HEC)
11.00h coffee break
11.20h In the dangerzone! Regulatory uncertainty and voluntary bank capital surpluses
Aakriti Mathur (The Graduate Institute, Geneva), with P. Eckley and W. Francis
Discussant: Diane Pierret (University of Luxembourg)
12.30h lunch
14.30h INVITED TALK Government Guarantees, Transparency, and Bank Risk Taking
Robert Marquez (University of California, Davis), with T. Cordella and G. Dell'Ariccia
15.30h coffee break
15.50h Covenant-Based (Non)Banking Competition
Roberto Steri (University of Luxembourg), with R. Abuzov and C. Herpfer
Discussant: Hans Degryse (KU Leuven)
17.00h post-workshop beers
7th Workshop - May 3, 2019
9.30h welcome coffee
9.50h Good Connections: Bank Specialization and the Tariff Elasticity of Exports
Jean-Stephane Mésonnier (Banque de France), with A. Berthou and T. Mayer
Discussant: Filippo de Marco (Bocconi)
11.00h coffee break
11.20h Non-Bank Loans, Corporate Investment, and Firm Performance
Sonny Biswas (Bristol), with N. Ozkan and J. Yin
Discussant: Jasmin Gider (Tilburg)
12.30h lunch
14.30h INVITED TALK (Why) Do Central Banks Care About Their Profits?
Vasso Ioannidou (Lancaster University, CEPR), with I. Goncharov and M. Schmalz
15.30h coffee break
15.50h How Do Short-Term Financial Constraints Affect SME’s Long-Term Investment? Evidence from the Working Capital Channel
Théo Nicolas (Banque de France)
Discussant: Serafeim Tsoukas (Glasgow)
17.00h post-workshop beers
6th Workshop - November 16, 2018
9.30h welcome coffee
9.50h Heterogeneity in Bank Monitoring: The Case of Loan Covenant Violations
Moritz Stieglitz (IWH), with S. Colonello, and M. Koetter
Discussant: Artashes Karapetyan (ESSEC Business School)
11.00h coffee break
11.20h Bank Capital and Risk-Taking: Evidence from Misconduct Provisions
Belinda Tracey (Bank of England), with R. Sowerbutts
Discussant: Diana Bonfim (Banco de Portugal)
12.30h lunch
14.30h INVITED TALK Bad Times, Good Credit
Kasper Roszbach (Norges Bank), with B. Becker, and M. Bos
15.00h coffee break
15.50h Bank Competition for Wholesale Funding: Evidence from Corporate Deposits
Florian Balke (Goethe University Frankfurt), with I. Aldasoro, A. Barth, and E. Eren
Discussant: Daniel Streitz (Copenhagen Business School)
17.00h post-workshop beers
5th Workshop - April 27, 2018
9.30h welcome coffee
9.50h The Role of Trust in Online Lending
Christoph Bertsch (Sveriges Riksbank), with I. Hull, Y. Qi, and X. Zhang
Discussant: Christophe Spaenjers (HEC)
11.00h coffee break
11.20h Risk Shifting and Foreclosure Law: Evidence from the Securitization Market
Danny McGowan (U. Birmingham), with H. Nguyen
Discussant: Glenn Schepens (ECB)
12.30h lunch
14.30h INVITED TALK Profitability Sclerosis & Political Exit Barriers in Banking
Michael Koetter (IWH Halle & Otto-von-Guericke-University), with B. Fritz, C. Mueller, and F. Noth
15.30h coffee break
15.50h Stressed Banks
Diane Pierret (U. Lausanne & SFI), with R. Steri
Discussant: Sonny Biswas (U. Bristol)
17.00h post-workshop beers
4th Workshop - November 17, 2017
09.30h welcome coffee
09.50h Entrepreneurship and Information on Past Failures: A Natural Experiment
Christophe Cahn (Banque de France), with M. Girotti & A. Landier
Discussant: Larissa Schäfer (Frankfurt School)
11.00h coffee break
11.20h Bank Deposits and Liquidity Regulation: Evidence from Ethiopia
Nicola Limodio (Bocconi), with M. Strobbe
Discussant: Matthieu Chavaz (Bank of England)
12.30h lunch
14.30h INVITED TALK Sharing the Pain? Credit Supply and Real Effects of Bank Bail-ins.
Thorsten Beck (Cass), with S. Da-Rocha-Lopes & A. Silva
15.30h coffee break
15.50h Winning Connections? Lobbying and the Resolution of Failed Banks
Thomas Lambert (Erasmus Rotterdam), with D. Igan, W. Wagner & Q. Zhang
Discussant: Guillaume Vuillemey (HEC)
17.30h post-workshop drinks
3rd Workshop - May 19, 2017
10.30h welcome coffee
11.00h The Interest of Being Eligible
Jean-Stéphane Mesonnier (Banque de France), with C. O'Donnell & O. Toutain
Discussant: Aurore Burietz (IESEG Lille)
12.30h lunch
14.30h INVITED TALK To Ask or Not To Ask? Collateral and Screening in Lending Relationships
Hans Degryse (KU Leuven), with A. Karapetyan & S. Karmakar
15.30h coffee break
16.00h Lending and Shareholding
Günseli Tümer-Alkan (VU Amsterdam), with F. Fecht, J.-L. Peydro & Y. Yu
Discussant: Andrada Bilan (U Zürich & SFI)
17.30h post-workshop drinks
2nd Workshop - November 25, 2016
11.00h What determines the international transmission of monetary policy through the syndicated loan market?
Balinth Horvath (U Bristol), with A. Demirgüc-Kunt & H. Huizinga
Discussant: Mintra Dwarkasing (Erasmus Rotterdam)
12.15h lunch (Belga Queen, Wolvengracht 32, 1000 Brussels)
14.00h INVITED TALK Systemic risk-taking at banks: evidence from the pricing of syndicated loans
Wolf Wagner (Erasmus Rotterdam), with D. Gong
15.00h coffee break
15.15h The real effects of capital requirements and monetary policy: evidence from the United Kingdom
Filippo De Marco (Bocconi), with T. Wieladek
Discussant: Henri Fraisse (ACPR)
16.30h post-workshop beers
Inaugural Workshop - May 27, 2016
12.15h lunch (Belga Queen, Wolvengracht 32, 1000 Brussels)
14.00h Does the cost of equity impact bank lending?
Claire Celerier (U Zürich), with S. Ongena & T. Kick
Discussant: Tim Eisert (Erasmus Rotterdam)
15.15h coffee break
15.30h The real effects of credit constraints: evidence from discouraged borrowers in the Euro area
Klaas Mulier (U Ghent), with A. Ferrando
Discussant: Tobias Berg (U Bonn)